Thursday, November 24, 2011

PAAS: platform for ESB or IAAS?

Often I ask myself: would it possible to build and/or deploy an integration solution such as an ESB on a PAAS platform, so create your Integration-As-A-Service solution from the binaries?

Obviously the first point would be to start from the right PAAS provider that offers enough freedom (e.g. regarding protocol such as SFTP), does not put too much constraints threading and usable libraries.

Optionally the PAAS providers also come with a decent, built-in queuing solution. Learned e.g. during the Spring University talk at Devoxx 2011 about support of CloudFoundry for RabbitMQ.

But while looking for a decent comparision of PAAS providers, didn't get further than this comparison and the DeveloperWorks article.

PS: Integration As A Service of IAAS is not yet known on Wikipedia!

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